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當前位置:首頁(yè)   >  產(chǎn)品中心  >  二維材料  >  MOFS材料  >  金屬有機骨架材料(MOFs)



  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-03
  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):生產(chǎn)廠(chǎng)家
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:1105










ZIF-8, 2-Methylimidazole zinc salt

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Large cavities (116 Amstrongs) connected by small windows (3.4 Amstrongs), Specific surface: 1600 m2/g, Empirical Formula C8H10N4Zn, Mw: 604,9

1 g


ZIF-8, 2-Methylimidazole zinc salt

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Large cavities (116 Amstrongs) connected by small windows (3.4 Amstrongs), Specific surface: 1600 m2/g, Empirical Formula C8H10N4Zn, Mw: 604,9

10 g


ZIF-8, 2-Methylimidazole zinc salt

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Large cavities (11.6 Amstrongs) connected by small windows (3.4 Amstrongs), Specific surface: 1600 m2/g, Empirical Formula C8H10N4Zn, Mw: 227,6

100 g


ZIF-67, 2-Methylimidazole cobalt salt

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Large cavities (11.6 Amstrongs) connected by small windows (3.4 Amstrongs), Specific surface: 1600 m2/g, Empirical Formula C8H10N4Zn, Mw: 227,6

1 g


ZIF-67, 2-Methylimidazole cobalt salt

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Large cavities (11.6 Amstrongs) connected by small windows (3.4 Amstrongs), Specific surface: 1600 m2/g, Empirical Formula C8H10N4Zn, Mw: 227,6

10 g


ZIF-67, 2-Methylimidazole cobalt salt

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Large cavities (11.6 Amstrongs) connected by small windows (3.4 Amstrongs), Specific surface: 1600 m2/g, Empirical Formula C8H10N4Zn, Mw: 227,6

100 g


HKUST-1, copper(II)-BENZENE-1,3,5-tricarboxylate

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Synonyms: Cu3(BTC), Cu-BTC MOF, Basolite C 300 (Basf registere). Square-shaped pores of 9 amstrong, Specific surface: 1500 m2/g, Empirical Formula C18H6O12Cu3, Mw: 604,9

1 g


HKUST-1, copper(II)-BENZENE-1,3,5-tricarboxylate

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Synonyms: Cu3(BTC), Cu-BTC MOF, Basolite C 300 (Basf registere). Square-shaped pores of 9 amstrong, Specific surface: 1500 m2/g, Empirical Formula C18H6O12Cu3, Mw: 604,9

10 g


HKUST-1, copper(II)-BENZENE-1,3,5-tricarboxylate

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Synonyms: Cu3(BTC), Cu-BTC MOF, Basolite C 300 (Basf registere). Square-shaped pores of 9 amstrong, Specific surface: 1500 m2/g, Empirical Formula C18H6O12Cu3, Mw: 604,9

100 g


ALF, aluminium fumarate

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Robust-shaped pores 5.7 x 6 Amstrongs, Specific surface: 1000 m2/g, Empirical Formula C4H3O5Al Mw: 158

1 g


ALF, aluminium fumarate

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Robust-shaped pores 5.7 x 6 Amstrongs, Specific surface: 1000 m2/g, Empirical Formula C4H3O5Al Mw: 158

10 g


ALF, aluminium fumarate

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Robust-shaped pores 5.7 x 6 Amstrongs, Specific surface: 1000 m2/g, Empirical Formula C4H3O5Al Mw: 158

100 g


MAF, magnesium formate

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Narrow one-dimensional zig-zag channels of approximately 4.9 amstrong, Specific surface: 500 m2/g, Empirical Formula C6H6O12Mg3Mw: 342,9

1 g


MAF, magnesium formate

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Narrow one-dimensional zig-zag channels of approximately 4.9 amstrong, Specific surface: 500 m2/g, Empirical Formula C6H6O12Mg3Mw: 342,9

10 g


MAF, magnesium formate

Metal Organic Frameworks

MOFs are crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules to form porous three-dimensional structures. Possible applications include storage of gases such as H2 and CO2, gas purification / separation, in catalysis and as sensors. Narrow one-dimensional zig-zag channels of approximately 4.9 amstrong, Specific surface: 500 m2/g, Empirical Formula C6H6O12Mg3Mw: 342,9

100 g



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  • 補充說(shuō)明:

  • 驗證碼:

  • 聯(lián)系人:陳谷一
  • 地址:江蘇省泰州市鳳凰西路168號
  • 郵箱:taizhou@sunano.com.cn
  • 電話(huà):021-56830191




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