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當(dāng)前位置:首頁   >  產(chǎn)品中心  >  二維材料  >  其他二維材料  >  BiTeI


簡要描述:The ternary compound bismuth telluroiodide (BiTeI) is new class of polar or Janus vdW crystals. They exhibit rather unique structural characteristics in that each layer consists of Bi atoms

  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-03
  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):
  • 廠商性質(zhì):生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 訪  問  量:646


The ternary compound bismuth telluroiodide (BiTeI) is new class of polar or Janus vdW crystals. They exhibit rather unique structural characteristics in that each layer consists of Bi atoms sandwiched in between tellurium (Te) and iodine (I) atoms as shown in the figures. Because of layer difference in the surface potential within each vdW layer, there is a large electric field confined in the layers. This field has been shown to lead to giant Rashba effects, spin orbit coupling (due to large atomic mass), as well as spintronic properties. This layered crystal structure has the trigonal space group of P3m1 and lacks the space inversion symmetry. Our crystals are synthesized using our patent pending graded Bridgman growth technique which is designed for high purity (99.9999%) vdW crystal growth. Due to complexities in the growth process, these unique materials are extremely difficult to synthesize and each order comes with mm sized crystals with guaranteed Janus layer formation, easy exfoliation characteristics, environmental stability, and minimal defects.



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  • 聯(lián)系人:陳谷一
  • 地址:江蘇省泰州市鳳凰西路168號(hào)
  • 郵箱:taizhou@sunano.com.cn
  • 電話:021-56830191




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