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當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè)   >  產(chǎn)品中心  >  二維材料  >  硒化物晶體  >  GaSSe 硒化硫鎵晶體

GaSSe 硒化硫鎵晶體

簡(jiǎn)要描述:The only commercially available GaSSe alloys: Bulk Gallium sulfide selenide alloys exhibit band gaps ranging from 2.0 eV (GaSe) t0 2.6 eV (GaS) mostly covering the UV band gap ranges. Crystals are per

  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-06-03
  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):
  • 廠商性質(zhì):生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 訪  問(wèn)  量:616


The only commercially available GaSSe alloys: Bulk Gallium sulfide selenide alloys exhibit band gaps ranging from 2.0 eV (GaSe) t0 2.6 eV (GaS) mostly covering the UV band gap ranges. Crystals are perfectly layered in the c-axis direction, comes ready for exfoliation, and crystals have an impressive environmental stability. Single crystal GaSeTe comes ready for exfoliation and is ideal for 2D research. GaSeTe alloys only come at ~50% (GaSe0.5Te0.5) alloying ratio due to phase separation phenomena taking place at other compositions.

Properties of GaSSe vdW crystals



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  • 聯(lián)系人:陳谷一
  • 地址:江蘇省泰州市鳳凰西路168號(hào)
  • 郵箱:taizhou@sunano.com.cn
  • 電話:021-56830191




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